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Beta Phi Mu - Beta Delta Chapter at SUNY Buffalo
Chapter Meeting
Monday, May 15, 2017 at 7:00 PM in Baldy Hall – Room 553
The meeting will feature a presentation by Valerie Nesset, PhD on “Information Literacy Instruction: Things You Need to Know But Maybe Don’t Know to Ask”.
In the session, Dr. Nesset will offer insights into areas of information literacy instruction that may not be covered in LIS programs or ongoing professional development. Concepts related to information literacy such as indexing, classification, information behavior, user experience, and usability will be discussed.
Valerie Nesset, PhD is an Associate Professor, Associate Chair with the Department of Library and Information Studies at SUNY Buffalo. She is the editor of the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science (CJILS). Her research focuses on the intersection between information-seeking behavior and information literacy, specifically with elementary school students. In addition to several book chapters and conference papers, she has authored several articles that have appeared in journals such as Education Today, The Indexer, Information Research, Journal of the Association of Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Library and Information Science Research, and New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship.
Light refreshments and snacks will be served after the meeting. For more information, contact Jim Tammaro, Chapter President at